6 Ways to Improve Your Personal Well-Being

6 Ways to Improve Your Personal Well-Being

By Ruth Manimtim-Floresca

On a scale of one to 10, how good do you feel about yourself right now? For many of us women, the answer today may be different from that of next week depending on various factors. But one thing’s for sure, if we become more mindful about taking care of ourselves, we’d be more consistent in giving ourselves higher scores.

I recently attended a workshop on mastering self-confidence at La Vie Institute in Alabang and learned from our mentor how our personal well-being affects the way we see and feel about ourselves as well as influences our confidence level.

Our mentor affirmed that by improving our personal well-being, we increase our overall satisfaction and happiness. In addition, this also reduces stress and anxiety, and promotes positive mental health.

Here are six simple but important activities she said we should remember to accomplish every day:

  1. Stay physically active. This improves our fitness level, enhances our mental well-being, and keeps our body in shape. Find activities where you can incorporate some fun, and you’ll soon feel more committed to physical activity. For more than two years now, I’ve been going on practice runs with my husband at least a couple of times a week. Apart from increased stamina, I often feel more energized and experience less stress when dealing with life’s challenges.
  1. Eat a balanced diet. When you eat well, you look and feel better. However, changing your eating habits takes determination and the right attitude. Don’t make drastic changes: Start with achievable goals such as eating salad or a fruit once a day. Spend time discovering healthy foods that your palate would like. But don’t simply quit eating your favorites—you can still indulge once in a while. Just remember to eat in moderation.
  1. Connect with people. Establish healthy relationships with supportive and positive individuals and groups. Strong social ties can improve your sense of belonging, self-esteem, and connectedness. Spend more time with your family, invite close friends for coffee or a movie, and get involved in your community’s activities.
  1. Give back. Offering to help, sharing what we have, and generally just being nice to others promote a profound sense of well-being. One good way to give back to the community is to become a volunteer. Giving back not only strengthens relationships and helps us maintain a positive attitude, it also expands our social and professional networks. Even the little things count! How about doing something nice for a friend or a family member, or smiling at a stranger as you walk past her today?
  1. Never stop learning. Acquiring new knowledge increases your self-worth and self-efficiency. There’s always something new to be learned, even outside the classroom. Whether it’s trying something new or rediscovering an old hobby, what matters is to prioritize continuous learning every day.
  1. Take notice. It’s been said that we should regularly “stop and smell the flowers,” and that is actually good advice! By being mindful of our surroundings and our daily experiences, we enhance our self-awareness, which in turn contributes to positive mental health. Slow down and enjoy a good meal, take a walk and feel the wind in your face, be curious about the world around you, write down your thoughts, or visit a museum! Appreciate the wonder of life and the beauty of nature. Soon, you’ll find your attitude shifting to one of gratitude.

Photo: Portobellostreet